Riley recently supplied a solution to a company who required crackers and a spatula to be placed into thermo-formed trays, along with their processed cheese product.
The crackers, manufactured off site, were unloaded from bulk-trays and via a combination of vibratory and other specialist equipment, dropped into vend-pack trays, along with a spactula. This whole process is automatic, saving a considerable amount of labour for our client.
Thermo-formed trays index along the conveyor system and are then placed at high speed under a magazine which drops the required number of crackers into the tray pockets. Spatulas are then dispensed onto the crackers via a combination of a specially designed chute and vibratory bowl feeder.
This turnkey project has allowed our client to drastically reduce the manning levels on his line, by automating the cracker handling and packing within their process.
The system for loading Lunch Break thermoformed trays is made up of the following;